25 July 2022

What is downtime and how much does it cost


Downtime is the latch of equipment, systems, production lines in companies not programmed or otherwise unexpected.

About 82% of companies have suffered at least one unplanned inactivity incident in the last three years. Most have suffered two or more.

The events that can cause it are different:

  • Hardware failure/malfunction
  • Software or firmware failure/malfunction
  • Poor or inadequate maintenance
  • No technicians available on site
  • Human error

The cost of this inactivity has been calculated by Forbes, for example, in the automotive industry of about $22,000 per minute.

In Italy the downtime lasts in average 52 minutes, and has an hourly cost of 101.800 dollars, that is to the current exchange rate beyond 90 thousand euros: the average annual cost of the downtime for the single company is of 17,9 million dollars, that is 15,8 million euros.

But how to effectively deal with this problem?

Concrete help can come from innovative Augmented Reality solutions that support remote maintenance, service and quality control..

Brochesia B View‘s solutions for remote collaboration and B Step for digital workflow planning are the answer to these problems.

Thanks to Augmented Reality capabilities supported by wearable devices such as Smart Glasses, but also smartphones and tablets, you can share the point of view of field operators with an expert remotely and plan maintenance tasks, service and quality control.

Collaborating remotely in Augmented Reality with the help of Smart Glasses, make possible to anchor in the visual space of the technician content, images and highlight a precise point of the malfunctioning machinery.

This way, you can perform any process correctly, working hands-free, reducing errors and downtime.


If you are interested to finding out and try our solutions contact us.

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