Brochesia – Come and visit us at the Photokina 2016

Brochesia participates at the exhibition Photokina 2016 from 23rd to 25th of September in Cologne Germany, an international fair dedicated to emerging technologies in the field of photography and video.

During the event, Brochesia will show all its range of software solutions for Smart Glasses hosted by the Epson.

In collaboration with EPSON Moverio, Brochesia will provide to the visitors information, videos and demos of the available solutions.

Among  the innovative developed applications “B View”, allows you to provide remote assistance, significantly reducing troubleshooting time, downtime and costs related to travelling . It can also be used to provide remote “training-on-the-job” to people not yet formed on the activities to be carried out. Through the simple and intuitive web-based user interface, the remote expert will be able to view and control what the person on the ground is doing while wearing the Smart Glasses.

Do not miss the latest innovation by Brochesia, come and visit us from 23rd to 25th of September at “Photokina 2016” tradeshow at the Epson stand B011 Hall 2.2.

Rimani aggiornato sulle novità Brochesia

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